Membership with the North Coast Allied Health Association will enable you to be part of a health reform established to better coordinate primary health care delivery and address local allied health issues and needs.
You will help improve patient care and health status in the North Coast of NSW by participating in the activities of a peak body for the various allied health disciplines.
North Coast Allied Health Association is a company limited by guarantee. There are no shareholders, only Members. Governance is by a skills-based Board comprising of elected Directors.
The constitution sets out what the company can do and why it exists, and deals with the holding of meetings, the admission of members, the election of Directors and other rules relating to the running of the company. Download the full constitution click here.
There are two classes of membership: Ordinary and Associate.
Ordinary Members are AHPs who live on the North Coast and are currently practicing within their profession
Associate Members live on the North Coast and hold AHP qualifications but are not currently practicing in their profession, or are currently training to become and AHP. Associate members can also be any person or other association whom the Directors consider suitable for associate membership of NCAHA.
Associate members do not have voting rights at meetings of the Association, but are eligible for directorship roles on the Board.
Find out more about becoming a member of the North Coast Allied Health Association here.